The Science of
Kriyayoga Meditation
as taught by
The Eternal Glory Of Bhagavad Gita
Gita is the eternal celestial song of Soul. It is sung by all atoms, molecules, plants, animals, human beings and angels. It is also stored permanently in the Cosmic Ether. This song works like a magnetic pull which makes invisible consciousness appear in the form of atoms, molecules, plants, animals, human beings and angels and also makes visible to appear into the invisible. This eternal song will be sung throughout the existence of the physical, astral and causal universes and thereafter it can be found within all-pervading ether.
The word ‘Gita’ is comprised of two words- ‘Git’ and ‘a’. Each word has a deeper meaning. The word ‘Git’ means song and ‘a’ represents three kinds of power- the power of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The song of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva means Omnipotent creativity and complete workshop of all activities of the three great powers. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva represents the power of Creation, Preservation and Qualitative Change, respectively. Brahma is the power of Creation and Vishnu represents the power of preservation, while Shiva represents the power of qualitative change. Creation, preservation and bringing quality change is the eternal song that is sung by these three great powers. Therefore, the word ‘Gita’ means song of creation, song of preservation and song of change. Singing the eternal song of Soul is also known as the Cosmic Dance (dance of Shiva). The three great powers of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are dancing in each cosmic creation in the form of divine creativity, preservation and change, respectively. When we are one with the power of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva we attain the state of ‘Bhagavan’- Omnipresent God.
In the word “Bhagavad Gita”, ‘Bhagavad’ means merging with the consciousness of Bhagavan (Omnipresent God) and also radiating the same power through our body, mind and whole existence. The letter ‘d’ in the word ‘Bhagavad’ means Eternal Donor. Therefore, after attaining Bhagavad consciousness we become one with Bhagavan (Omnipresent God) and we reflect the same and prove that there is no distance between Self and God-- Self and God are one.
Gita is a spiritual song which cannot be produced by anyone through the process of singing, reciting or writing. It can be perfectly experienced by Kriyayoga practice.
Self manifested in the form of visible existence (body, from head to toes) is the highest scripture. It is the vast and infinite ocean of all scriptures. All scriptures emerged from within. Self is the complete unit of knowledge. It is Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Immortal consciousness. Kriyayoga is the science of concentration on Self by which we become one with True Knowledge. Only True Knowledge can keep us away from the deadly darkness of ignorance.