The Science of
Kriyayoga Meditation
as taught by
Transcribed from teachings of Guruji Swami Shree Yogi Satyam
When we prepare food following the guidelines of the Kriyayoga Food and Diet principles, we not only prepare food that is best for us, but also, the true purpose of eating is fulfilled. Why do we eat food? Contrary to general belief, food is not a complete source of energy. This has been well proven by many people who eat very little but have demonstrated tremendous capacity to do a lot of work.
In The Bible it is stated:
Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedth from the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4)
The word of God means Cosmic vibratory omnipotent, omniscient creative principle. And mouth of God means medulla oblongata. The medulla is the principle entrance for the body’s supply of universal creative principle - life force. There are many realized souls who demonstrated powerful and dutiful life without consuming any kind of food. One example is the non-eating woman saint - Yogini Giri Bala of Bengal, India. She was practising a certain Kriyayoga technique which enabled her to live without eating. A second example is the Catholic Stigmatist of Bavaria, Germany, Therese Neumann, who did not consume food or water from 1927 to 1962. Both examples have been very well written by Paramhansa Yogananda in his autobiography.
Our principle source of day-to-day energy is the principle of Truth we live...
Our principle source of day-to-day energy is the principle of Truth we live. If we live a complete truthful life, then we will demonstrate energy like Jesus Christ, Bhagavan Ram and Krishna, Kabir, Nanak, Lahiri Mahasaya and Mahavatar Babaji. A person living a complete truthful life is always realising his existence beyond time and space. So, why do we really eat? The real purpose of eating is to fulfill a very important role. As humans, and being more evolved compared to other creations - atoms and molecules, plants and animals, it is our duty to serve them. How can we serve them? When we eat food, we offer good service to the water, air and sky elements are converted to our existence and thus they are uplifted to a higher state of human-consciousness. By this we demonstrate higher service towards food molecules.

Important Guidelines for Intake of Food:
1) We should observe proper time gaps between the intake of food. In general, there are 3 areas of digestion – mouth, stomach and intestines. The food is in the mouth for a very short time. Therefore, only very limited digestion takes place in the mouth. Food takes about 2 to 2.5 hours to be digested in the stomach and 4 to 5.5 hours to be digested in the intestines. The time taken to digest food is dependent on what we eat and Our principle source of day-to-day energy is the principle of Truth we live... 2 the quantity of food that we eat. In general, we should observe a time gap of 6 to 8 hours between consumption of any kind of food.
2) Adults should refrain from snacking. When we take snacks between meals, extra digestive juices and bile will need to be produced by the system, causing additional strain on the different organs of the digestive system, such as the liver, intestines and pancreas. This causes the respective organs to be overworked and as a result, may cause the organs to malfunction. Other organs may also become affected as a result.
3) Milk and milk products should be limited if not avoided altogether. Intake of milk can cause many complications to arise, if it is not properly digested. Under various conditions, milk is left undigested. The milk protein molecules are small and so, are easily absorbed into the blood system. These molecules are transported all over the body and have a high chance of being deposited in different organs, especially in the lower organs such as the prostrate and ovaries, due to gravitational pull. This deposition can cause serious health issues such as tumour or cancer.
Milk should be completely avoided in the following combinations:
- with fruit ( Milk is mainly digested in the stomach and requires a low acidic medium for digestion. When taken with fruit, it is quickly transported to the intestine by the pulp of the fruit. As such, only minimal digestion of the milk occurs.
- with any high protein substances such as lentils. Lentils require a high acidic medium for digestion while milk requires a low acidic medium. With the presence of lentils in the stomach, the milk, therefore, is left undigested and moves in this undigested form into the intestine where it is readily absorbed into the bloodstream. As described above in a., this can cause severe health issues.
4) All types of grains should be taken as a whole. Lentils should be consumed along with the covering sheath. The covering sheath is essential to hold together the dicotyledonous seeds of the lentils. By removing the covering, we are discarding 3 Most importantly, we should observe the golden rule of eating only when we are truly hungry... then we will eat the simplest food that is best for us... the most essential part of the seed- the bond of unity, which serves to hold together the dicotyledonous seed. When we do this, our body reacts similarly. One by one the organs begin to separate from the body and we develop illnesses such as arthritis or problems of the liver and heart. Similarly, it is best to take red or brown rice - where minimal or no portion of the covering sheath has been removed. Most people are attracted to the whiteness of the polished rice and think that it is cleaner and better. This is untrue. Unpolished rice is best for the intestines and our system as a whole.
5) Vegetables should be consumed in their matured stage, when we can cut any portion of the vegetable and plant it to grow into a tree. Vegetables having a thin peel should be cooked without being peeled. Examples of such vegetables are potatoes, carrots and squash. The peels contain essential nutrients that are required by us . Vegetables with a hard peel should be thoroughly rinsed in water before lightly scraping the hard covering.
6) It is best to eat the whole fruit instead of taking juice of fruits. The pulp of the fruit has essential nutritional elements. Fruits should be washed well and eaten along with the peel and seed as far as possible. If the peel and seeds are too hard or rough to consume, they can be softened by boiling in water. Seeds can also be planted to grow into trees.
7) We should take sugar-cane candy (gura), in-place of the chemically-processed white refined sugar to sweeten our tea and coffee or any other food substances. Gura is having all kinds of minerals and iron we need in day-to-day life.
Most importantly, we should observe
the golden rule of eating only when we are truly hungry... then we will eat the simplest food that is best for us...
The SCIENCE OF FOOD based on Indian Heritage - Part 1
The SCIENCE OF FOOD based on Indian Heritage - Part 2